![Aislands Aislands](http://www.eriklpeterson.com/sites/eriklpeterson.indiemade.com/files/imagecache/node-gallery-display/aisle-lands_install_erik_peterson_2006.jpg?th=bolt&bg=FFFFFF)
In: Extra Slides
Installing Aislands took a bit of swimming in not-so-nice water.
Each island roughly 5 x 7 x 4 ft.
Sod, Japanese Plum trees, felt, polystyrene, wood
Photo by Quyen Le.
Installing Aislands took a bit of swimming in not-so-nice water.
Each island roughly 5 x 7 x 4 ft.
Sod, Japanese Plum trees, felt, polystyrene, wood
Photo by Quyen Le.